It’s the Holidays!!!!
But with the Holidays comes all the excessive food, drinks, sweets…overindulgence!! We feel tired, bloated & by New Years most of our pants are starting to feel tighter. A great tip I learned from a skinny chef is to take a little bit of EVERYTHING then have 1 or 2 bites of each – you still get to enjoy all the delicious foods but without overdoing it!
How about doing a Detox-like diet starting NOW!! This way you can feel better, even if you do indulge!
When you think of Detox do you automatically think STARVATION, HUNGER & ONLY LIQUIDS?? I know I always do!
How about a Detox-like Diet or should I say Detox Lifestyle – this way there’s no deprivation, only getting rid of the bad foods that your body doesn’t need anyways.
When done correctly, detoxing is great at restarting a sluggish or slow-moving Digestive system, cleansing the Liver, Colon, Intestines & Kidneys all while improving your Immune system’s function (which is a MUST during the Flu season). When these systems don’t work properly, it creates Discomfort, Sick-like feeling, Diseases, Skin problems and Allergies.
The biggest benefit is WEIGHT LOSS – why?? Because toxins that have been stored are now being released from the cells in our bodies. This helps our bodies rid itself of unwanted weight, which helps our body absorb MORE nutrients when it functions properly.
Detoxing also increases Energy, Alertness & Improves our Attitudes, because our bodies lack the ability to function at its best when it becomes bogged down from our “all American diets”.
SKIN is the biggest benefactor in a Detox! When our organs & systems become congested from the food we eat & even our environment, the skin becomes affected. Acne, Rosacea, Eczema & even Melasma can occur on our skin. What we put into our bodies DOES affect our skin.
Let’s talk Detox…please remember if you are going to follow this to check with your dr. first!!!
1) Eating a diet full of RAW, organic fruits & vegetables are important. Organic fruits & veggies are a MUST during a detox because you are trying to clear the system of toxins & it would be counterproductive to eat food full of pesticides. At least 2 meals a day should be raw vegetables. Fruits make great snacks – Citrus have a positive effect on the skin. Apples prevent cell & tissue damage. Pomegranates & Berries are high in antioxidants which fight free radicals.
TIP: Eating fruits on an empty stomach helps to easily process all of the nutrients, fiber, and sugars. If fruit is eaten with or after a meal, it stays in the stomach longer and can ferment or rot; causing bloating or gas.
Vegetables such as Kale, Collard greens, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts & Cabbage can help detoxify the Liver. Kale, Spinach, Collard greens, Broccoli, & other leafy green veggies protect cells from damage and are a great source of Fiber, which helps to clean out the Bowel.
Making a Smoothie containing fruits & veggies help to give the most benefit during a detox & if you’re not a fan of vegetables, helps to make it easier to consume.
Not only will minimizing animal proteins make you have more energy but your skin will improve too!!
DAIRY – contains hormones & antibiotics which can be linked to Acne (I have read a few articles in my Trade magazines about the relationship between Acne & Dairy). Soy should be avoided because it can be an allergen but Almond, Rice & Coconut milk can be great alternatives.
Refined sugars, when consumed regularly (and are in EVERYTHING processed) can cause Obesity, leading to Diabetes, Kidney disease and many other health conditions. Refined sugars depress the Immune system, prohibits the absorption of Vitamin C into the cells which is important for the health of our bodies & our skin’s appearance.
Coffee drinkers know that limiting coffee can be difficult to break, but the health benefits you experience even by cutting back can make a difference. Coffee is VERY dehydrating, so make sure to drink water along with it, as well as before your first cup. Any milk, sugar or creamers can be full of chemicals & deplete the benefits to caffeine. Green tea is a great alternative & can be drank during a Detox (it’s full of antioxidants).
Alcohol is also very dehydrating. Which shows in the skin by dilating blood vessels. Alcohol can actual worsen facial conditions such as Rosacea. Alcohol should be avoided during a Detox.
4) Drinking lots of water will hydrate the body as well as the skin. Remember that the skin is the LAST organ to receive hydration, which means if you’re feeling thirsty then you’re already dehydrated & your skin is suffering!!
Water helps to remove toxins, cleans out Kidneys, aids in regular bowel movements, muscle performance & weight loss as well as helps with energy levels, prevents cramping in the bowel and can even prevent or lessen a headache! Drink water throughout the day, especially if you exercise, to ensure you’re flushing your system of toxins released from exercise.
TIP: Drink a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning – this helps to jumpstart your digestive system, aids in cleansing the liver, balancing pH levels & boosts the immune system. Lemon water is alkalizing which helps to rid toxins from the blood & can keep the skin acne-free.
Sticking to a whole-food & plant-based diet will keep your body efficiently detoxing as well as continuing with the higher energy levels & weight loss will continue well past the initial detox. After the detox process begins & the toxins start to leave, the cravings for unhealthy foods subside & you will LOVE the way you feel!!!
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