Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Meet my Zits - Bob and Fred...

So it's true, I have 2 Zits and they are so ugly and nasty that I decided to have a little fun while they annoy me and I named them.  

The big nasty one on the bottom that is SOOO painful is Fred.  The smaller, less annoying, but more visible one, right above Fred, is Bob.

Bob and Fred came up because I was a bad girl and ate both Gluten AND Dairy over the weekend!!!!  

How do I know that food is my Acne trigger??

Because when I'm good and avoid both foods, my skin is clear and literally 2-3 days after eating something I'm not supposed to (because who wants to live a boring life??) I get new nasty friends pop up on my face!

Being an Esthetician, I do have the tools to minimize them, get rid of them and even hide them, but I'm human and do expose them to the world to see.

My point is this...

Do you have Acne or Rosacea???

Here are 3 steps to help you control your skin's inflammation...

Step 1:  Start a food diary and write down all your foods for 2 weeks straight.  Then at the bottom of each day, make a note of your skin.  Is your Acne or Rosacea flared up??  What foods did you eat.

With both Acne and Rosacea, the inflammation can come up as early as 2 days and as long as 1 week, depending on how sensitive you are to certain foods.

Step 2:  Go through your Food diary and see if you can find common foods that make you feel yucky or even are showing up regularly and can help you pin-point the inflammation.

Step 3: Once you find the culprit, do an elimination diet and for the next 2 weeks completely avoid the trigger food.  Also, keep a diary and make note of how your skin looks and feels.

What do I do if I don't know my trigger??

Start with Gluten (because gluten is highly inflammatory) and completely eliminate from your diet for 2 weeks.  It's hard for a few days, but you will find easy alternatives and you really won't miss it.

Then the following 2 weeks completely eliminate dairy from your diet and again, make note of any changes or improvements in your skin.

Some other common foods that trigger inflammation in the skin:
1) Peanuts
2) Eggs
3) Soy

Some great foods to substitute your diet:
1) Fresh fruit and veggies
2) Grass-fed beef and Organic chicken
3) Chia seeds

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me

Also for more information about my services or to schedule a FREE consultation, visit my website.

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